The magazine evolved as a natural extension of our journey as innovators: in order for MISSION CRM to be vanguards in donor management and fundraising, we’ve had to be courageous and embrace continuous change as a way of life. Along our journey, we’ve met some amazing humans committed to supporting the mission of nonprofits with their own superpowers. And we’re honoured to introduce you to some of them in this inaugural issue as well as others from outside the sector to shake things up a little.

We’re grateful to have had inspirational and thought-provoking conversations with:

  • Wes Wolch, Senior Vice-President of Marketing for iconic retailer Holt Renfrew
  • Erik Arnold, CTO of Microsoft’s Tech for Social Impact team
  • Rhea Wong, Author, Podcaster, Speaker and Trainer
  • Tim Lockie, CEO of The Human Stack

We’d also like to take the opportunity to thank those who made this magazine a reality—our cracker-jack copy editor Kelly Lee, graphic designer extraordinaire Briana Tegan, and the whole RC Design team who visualized and delivered a beautiful layout. Moreover, I’d like to send a big shout-out to the MISSION CRM team for supporting this initiative and championing the best for our clients with courage and care.

MISSION Magazine celebrates the curious mind and the courage to say and do things to evoke positive change: if you’d like to nominate someone you think aligns with our mission, please drop us a note at [email protected]. And please subscribe to have articles delivered right to your inbox on a quarterly basis.

Onwards and upwards!

Editor, MISSION Magazine