Unite your team with one system for donor management, fundraising and finance.

A unified view of your donors

MISSION CRM delivers a unified view of your donors by connecting fundraising, financials, marketing, volunteering and more. See the full picture of your donors, their gifts, their interactions and connection points, and leverage it with a view to better communicate, build relationships and bring them closer to your organization.

Real-time, end-to-end gift management

for one-time gifts and recurring gift management. You choose the gateway or gateways which suits you best and we’ll manage the rest. And MISSION CRM’s payment gateway integrations with Stripe, iATS, Global Payments, Moneris. Paysafe, Adyen and Bottomline PTX (for direct debit processing) results in more seamless financial reconciliation and reporting.

Batch it up!

When you’ve got a mountain of gifts to process, our advanced batch gift entry allows you to enter them with ease, providing mouse-less high-volume batch entry.

Supports sophisticated and seamless financials

Whether it’s via a donation page, import, manual or batch gift entry, MISSION CRM is the front-door for revenue. Our advanced designation and sub-ledger functionality are designed to support your sophisticated accounting structure of revenue tracking for general ledger integration.

Pre-built integrations

Reduce costs and complexity from the get-go. MISSION CRM comes ready out-of-the-box with these powerful, pre-built integrations:

  • Payment providers – Stripe, iATS, Global Payments, Moneris, Adyen, Paya, Paysafe and Bottomline PTX (for direct debit processing).
  • Galaxy Ticketing – for memberships, venue ticket sales, point-of-sale retail and more
  • DonorSearch for wealth profiling and donor research
  • Melissa Data for data verification and enrichment. MISSION CRM has pre-built integrations for using the following Melissa Data’s Address Verify, NCOA and Personator
  • SendGrid for automated transactional email delivery
  • And MISSION CRM can easily integrate with any external data source using Microsoft’s Power Platform API
  • Connects seamlessly with anything built on Microsoft Power Platform and Dataverse
Acknowledge. Receipt. Repeat.

Make end-of-year consolidated receipting or receipting en masse easier and save precious time with our bulk receipting functionality. CRA-compliant and ready to support sending receipts by mail, email and via mailing house.

Donations processed via MISSION CRM’s online giving pages seamlessly flow into the system where they are acknowledged and receipted automatically. Afterwards, the content of the acknowledgement and PDF of the receipt is stored against the Contact and Account record for easy access.