Executive Summary

Right To Play is an international non-profit organization with a mission to empower vulnerable children to overcome the effects of war, poverty, and disease through play.

For more than 20 years, Right To Play has helped children to stay in school and graduate, resist exploitation and overcome prejudice, keep themselves safe from disease and heal from the harsh realities of war and abuse.

Business Challenge

Right To Play approached MISSION CRM with common fundraising administration challenges within the non-profit sector:

  • They required more accurate and organized data from their donors to be able to more effectively connect and inspire engagement.
  • They wanted to increase efficiencies by accessing their donor management and fundraising all in one place.

The MISSION CRM Solution

MISSION CRM stepped up to the challenge by implementing it’s integrated donor engagement and fundraising system, which propelled the cycle of giving forward.

With MISSION CRM, Right To Play achieved an integrated system which provides:

360° view of donors and a single-truth hub for all gifts and interactions in real-time.

The ability to track dollar raised to dollar delivered and impact measured.

Automation and streamlining of time-consuming tasks, and more.

Benefits & Result

MISSION CRM successfully closed the gaps between Right To Play’s development team, fundraising and operations team. With MISSION CRM’s data-driven insights, the Right To Play team is empowered to make smarter, more strategic fundraising decisions.

Future Prospects

As the Implementation Partner for Right To Play, MISSION CRM couldn’t be prouder to play a small part in empowering vulnerable children to overcome some of their greatest obstacles.

We welcome you to join us in supporting Right To Play today.